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About Asia Pacific HRM Congress

The special feature of the Asia Pacific HRM Congress is the ASIA PACIFIC HRM CONGRESS AWARDS. The aim of the Awards is to recognized the Best of Best, organized for a professional cause. The objective at core is benchmarking Talent & HR practices.

World Sustainability brings together professionals from different industries & businesses who believe in the value of creating a better tomorrow. Such leaders are passionate about sustainability as the only way to build a better future.

Organizations that have sustainable strategy, with a vision that combines with action, to build a better workplace. Such organizations could be exemplary so that others will learn from them & practice for a better tomorrow.

  • To Give is to benefit oneself and others.

  • To Give is first and foremost to act with spirituality.

  • Donating is an action that is done when you feel detached from possessions, when you have the awareness of being a channel to benefit yourself and others.

  • Donating is an act that causes the expansion of what has been donated.

  • There is no harm to one who gives with a spiritual and accurate conscience.

  • In discerning what, how, when and to whom to donate, the giver makes giving a sacred act.

  • To give is to be aware of being a channel of divine light transmission.

  • To give is to be responsible for the good brought about by the gift.