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Role Players 2023

Madhav Mallela

Manager - Talent Acquisition
MICROEXCEL (a New Era Technology Company)

Madhav Mallela - Pioneering HR Excellence in Talent Acquisition

We proudly recognize Madhav Mallela, the accomplished Manager of Talent Acquisition at Microexcel (a New Era Technology Company), for his exceptional contributions to the field of human resources. At the illustrious 22nd Edition of the Asia Pacific HRM Congress & Awards, Madhav was bestowed with the prestigious Top HR Innovators award, a testament to his unwavering dedication and innovative approach in reshaping talent acquisition strategies.

With a profound understanding of the evolving HR landscape, Madhav has consistently demonstrated his ability to drive organizational success through strategic talent acquisition. His visionary leadership has enabled Microexcel (a New Era Technology Company) to transcend traditional recruitment paradigms and embrace cutting-edge methodologies that align with the dynamic demands of the industry.

Under Madhav's guidance, Microexcel (a New Era Technology Company) has redefined talent acquisition as a strategic advantage. His ingenious initiatives have streamlined recruitment processes, infused diversity and inclusion at every level, and cultivated a vibrant company culture that attracts and retains top-tier talent. Madhav's commitment to leveraging technology, data analytics, and human insights has resulted in unparalleled workforce growth, driving the company towards greater heights.

Madhav Mallela's influence extends beyond his immediate role, as he has emerged as a thought leader in the HR community. His speaking engagements and published works reflect his innovative thinking and deep-rooted knowledge, inspiring peers and professionals alike to embrace progressive HR practices.

With the Top HR Innovators award, Madhav stands as a beacon of excellence, illuminating the path forward for HR professionals across the Asia Pacific region. His relentless pursuit of excellence, coupled with his transformative contributions, marks him as a true trailblazer in the realm of HR innovation.

We congratulate Madhav Mallela on this remarkable achievement and look forward to witnessing the continued impact of his visionary leadership in the realm of talent acquisition and human resources.